
All the latest audio interviews

Rider isn't just a major voice in the world of entertainment, with gigs from CBS football to Stephen Colbert and Shark Week, he's also the host of the first radio show Shawn ever worked for!
Bryce Weiler has made headlines around the country for calling sports games on the radio despite that fact that he was born blind.
Planetary astronomer Andy Rivkin is one of the team leads for NASA's DART program to defend the planet from asteroid strikes. How accurate is the new movie Don't Look Up? Are we going to get wiped out?
YouTuber 'Exploring the Nug' goes on solo missions to solve cold cases. You won't believe what he finds deep in lakes and rivers. He's going viral for his latest video.
Shawn dives into the insane and explosively growing world of NFTs with a collector named PackPhour. They discuss how to understand what NFTs are, what The News Junkie is planning to do with NFTs and the future of this exciting breakthrough technology.
Dr. Dena Grayson is a medical doctor, a scientist and an expert on infectious diseases. She tells us how to avoid the Coronavirus, different dangers to avoid, what it does to your body and more. Dr Grayson also sounds the alarm on things we're doing wrong in our battle against the virus.