Good afternoon, junkies man. All these people getting hit by trains, I just don't understand it. I I never understood it really how you could get by a train? And after seeing the the explanation about that SUV getting hit, I kind of get that but it's just such a weird coincidence. Uh, I live in Edgewater and last week there was just some homeless dude, walking down, the walking down the train tracks, man. Right across from my office. And next thing you know we hear the train come by just blasting the horn and kind of made a joke. Like man, what that dude just have a stroke on the horn on that train. Well turns out, he was honking at that dude in the Oh, my phone makes me mad. Honking at the guy walking down the train tracks and he hit him and we ran down there to go check on him and sure enough. He was dead. A dead as a doornail as they say. Kind of a bummer. Never seen a dead person that close that fresh either. I guess you'd say. Little disturbing guys. But yeah how do you get hit by trains man? Like geez. Biggest easiest thing to see and really easy to avoid. They can only go 1 Direction. Anyway, love the show guys. Wiggle wiggle, pop, pop pop.