What up chunkies? Listen, I spent a lot of money on a mattress years and years ago. It's still perfect. It's a memory phone with a pillow top, I have 1,500 thread. Count sheets, I have a 30 lb weighted blanket. It's dispersed over a king-size bed, but it's a 30 lb weighted blanket. Um, and like, a ton of pillows with, you know, the high thread counts for the pillow cases. A down comforter. I sleep like an angel. I sleep like crap because I snore and have sleep at me and probably need 1 of those dark fader masks, but I'm comfy when I get in the bed and it is the best, most comfortable bed, that's on the planet. And, uh, I got the mood lighting too. I could change the lights to different colors and stuff in the room. It is. Um, you guys, you should all 3.