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Skins UK version
Skins was crazy, Sabrina. It's crazy that, you know about that because I swear I thought it was just me and the select 1% that knew about it, and that show was so crazy on MTV. I remember that they only made 1 season of it because it was so wild on television that they didn't want us as teenagers at that time, doing all, that crazy stuff here in America. And I remember when they canceled it, I legit went on a deep dive, to find the rest of the seasons, and when I found the other, I think it was like 3 or 4 seasons of it. It was amazing. Like it was just like if this is what teenagers are doing in the UK I should have done schooling over there, but I'm kind of glad I did schooling over here because some of them were turning out to be uh, lifetime junkies and weirdos, but that's so crazy that you named skins. It was such a great show. All right, guys, have a good day, peace.

Heavy equipment, operator here. The thing with IHOP, where the girl had? Uh, gave the homeless guys. Some pancake I see it both ways. I see it from IHOP side. but at the same time, I mean really she helped the homeless guy out, eat some food. You know I think Sean said that he should have had the guy go to the back door and gave him some food. That way, of course, you could have went that way, but come on firing somebody for simply giving somebody some food.

ICU update… GOOD NEWS ALERT!!!!!!
Hello news. Junkies happy to share the show Tuesday. Um, I don't know if you remember about 10 days ago. I called you guys and said, I've been in the ICU for 10 days. So uh, I just got released yesterday. I'm feeling very very well. My prognosis is very, very positive. And I'm very, very thankful to my beautiful wife. And my family and the town of Koko Beach for supporting me and you guys for making me laugh, while I was stuck in the hospital going crazy. All right. Good news happens. I love you guys. Bye.

Pancake donation observation 🤔
Yoki Chad's quick check-in just to say, not for nothing, but Sean Watson would you have the same amount of support for This Server? Who was donating free pancakes? To a homeless person if they were donating free waffles to a homeless person because they were a server at Waffle House. That's right buddy. Calling you out. Your vested vested in IHOP we all knew it we knew it the whole time. Be forthright about it, dude. Tip your pancake donators.

Fake Christmas?
Hey guys, just got set up on the show. Uh, you guys are talking about the experience of real Christmas trees versus fake Christmas trees. So, kind of remember, be thinking of, uh, fake things during Christmas like the fake Santa Claus? The plastic ones. Uh, I don't know if you guys remember, uh, a fake TV show or a fake, uh, fireplace. It was called the Yule Log y, u, l, e, l o g and it would be a TV show. Um, this is back in New York and I just have uh, a show of them showing a fireplace and you would put it on during your festivities and like, your TV was a fake fireplace. Anyway, uh, Stupid fact for the day, have a great day, guys. Love the show. See you.

5 gifts last night bro..Sabrina is hooked road rage here

Road rage professional
A News Junkie. I don't know how you can live in South Florida and not have road rage incidents. I honk my horn every day. I've been in I'd say 3 fights the past 5 years. Uh nothing big, you know, cops come and we split up but the worst ever was when I was 18 in like the late 90s, I followed a guy home and who cut me off on the Parkway and we got in a fight on his front lawn and, uh, his wife ended up coming out with a video camera and needless to say, that was used in court. But uh, yeah, I'm from New Jersey. I Learned to Drive tough. Don't cut me off. Have a good day.

Just wanted to apologize for the uh low talking. I didn't mean to do that. So sorry I was just trying to say I now road rage from the confines of the safety of my own vehicle for 30 to 45 seconds. If I road rage at all and then I get on with my life, it's not worth getting shot and yes, Sabrina, you are spot on. I do drive for a living, absolutely. Uh, but sorry about that. I didn't mean to low talk. I know how annoying that must be. So my apologies have a great day wiggle, wiggle, pop pop, right? That's the way you guys say it. All right? See you.

Road rage
Hey, what's up News Junkie? So yeah I had a day just like that where it was crazy but it was because this lady in a Mustang wouldn't let me get onto the highway. She was playing games. Just doing the side by side while I was driving a stick shift, I dropped it as low as I could got right in front of her pastor while she wasn't paying attention. And ironically I just gotten a milkshake in a cheeseburger from somewhere and I threw the milkshake out the window. And I hit her windshield and she had to pull over before she could even get on the highway. And that's how you handle people that drive. Not so nice. Piece.

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