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Gift sharing idea app
We use an app called giftster where you make a full list of everything you want and then you send that to everybody in the family so you still kind of know what you're getting. but, You don't know exactly it's not me saying specifically hey Sean get me this 1 item. It's hey Sean, here's a list of 20 things I want pick from this.

Victoria's secret ruin Christmas for me.

No Daylight Saving Time!
Hey news, junkies, it's been about 7 years since I last dispatched, but the topic of daylight saving time, really piqued my interest. So, giving my thoughts on it standard time should be the way to go. Because if we were on daylight time, all year Sunrise would not be till about quarter after 8 during the dental winter and in some areas of the country wouldn't be till after 9 and do you really want people going to school and work when it's dark? I don't think so Standard time should be the way to go. Wiggle wiggle, pop pop.

Brittany’s House
Well, I got a weird story for you. I actually grew up in that house. My father was a big producer. My mom's name wasn't Brittany, but it was Brenda, and my father was cheating on her and wanted a divorce, but it was going to be really expensive as you can imagine. So he murdered her police came, he committed suicide, so that happened in that same house. And uh I also made all that up just so I could get on the radio. Love you guys.

No good deed and Britney Murphy
Hey news, junkies Megan from Casselberry uh you are correct. Sabrina that no good, deed show is amazing. My husband and I binged it this weekend. Also, speaking of Brittany Murphy, this Friday actually marks the 15th anniversary of her death. and her husband died, 5 months later on the property like you guys stated I've enjoyed listening to you this year, hope you guys have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Steak alert!!!
This is a guitar Slinger stake alert. Publix has New York strip steak for 1299 a pound. However, if you're brave enough, you can buy the roast hole for 799, a pound and carve your own Stakes. 799 a pound for New York strip.

Banks Not Doing Business with People - I'm in that line of work!
Hi News. Junkies, I think this is my first ever dispatch. I'm a super long time. Listener been listening since the early morning days, way back when and I was going to my early morning, bank teller job. Um, I was listening to you yesterday's podcast and I just had to dispatch in because you were talking with Mo about whether Banks or financial institutions can choose to not do business with certain people. And I work for a large financial institution, I'm part of those committees where it's determined, whether we will or won't do business with certain people. Obviously, there are discrimination laws, which we have to uphold. So, these really get looked on looked at on a Case by case basis, uh, but there are times when an individual or company has such bad negative media surrounding them. That my company would choose to either fire that customer, or choose to deny them, an account altogether. So that's my 2 cents. I love you guys. Hope you have a happy holiday.

Allergies in restaurants
Hey, junkies, I hope you're having a great day so far, I'll miss you during the holidays, but I hope you have a wonderful wonderful Break, um, on the Food Service, side of things, I'm a bartender server, blah, blah, blah. And if someone has a reasonable request, I am super, super happy to accommodate that. I myself have an almond allergy and I know what that's like, but if you come in and you hand me a card with 16 different allergies of various soy and oils and whatnot. I'm going to hand you a glass of water, a bowl of maraschino cherries and call it good. There is only so much you can reasonably expect people to do in the industry, man.

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