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Difference between the 2 cultures
Hey guys. I hope you guys are doing well. Well, you're a little bit wrong and a little bit right between the 2 cultures Indian is a culture. Um, they an Indian people men, especially have a very bad reputation with rape. Now what saline is talking about is Muslim culture different people. Um, they really don't like to be next to women. If they're not their wives, uh, kind of like a religious Thing 2 different types of people 2 different times types of culture. Thanks. Bye.

This is asupposed picture of Trump as he was coming up.You can clearly see his ear. Is messed up.

Talkin' about tearing muscles and being early to ask to be on "Fritz on the Street"!
Paying news junkies Sean Sabrina ceiling. Um you guys branch in mentioned briefly on your show yesterday about tearing your ACL. My mom did tear something not quite that but her uh plantar fascia. It's um muscle on the bottom of your foot very interesting. Um, so yeah approached her and everything but this may be a little early but uh, could 1 of you. Um, Sean, uh, pick me for uh Fritz on the street next week. Anyways, uh we go pop pop. I'm out here.

Did you get your Shhnakes shirt?
Just a quick note. If you got these snakes shirt and had any issues with your order, or you haven't gotten it yet. Please send me an email. You can use tips at the newzjunky calm if you want and let me know what happened with your order. It seems like everybody is Happy seems like all the orders went well, but I just checking in 1 last time with everybody. So thank you for your orders.

Fuck diamonds get me a lutium aluminum garnet
You know you guys think diamonds are sexy. You guys should look up lithium aluminum garnets l u a g is the short name for them. They literally look like they are glowing neon radioactivity.

Lab grown vs natural diamonds
The reason for having a natural diamond as opposed to a lab grown diamond is to some people it is very important that children in Africa continued to be enslaved and forced to work in mines so they can have a pretty rock as opposed to just having an equally pretty Rock.

Diamond pill wormhole
To add more to the diamond thing diamonds are like the most abundant gemstone in the world. But 1 family decided to artificially caused a shortage essentially which drove the price up so it doesn't really need to be set $30,000 for when that comes out of the ground. It's probably worth even less than a lab grown diamond.

Hey guys, Happy Day. The only reason diamonds have any value outside of being used in uh industrial applications, which is where they actually are useful at uh is because the debeers company family holds on to Diamonds and chokes the supply stream to artificially inflate their value diamonds have no inherent value. It's the most common thing on the planet and and diamonds are just stupid. I can't wait for this next Generation just to eradicate it from the jewelry industry.

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