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Good Afternoon News Junkie crew. This is big mark from Palm Bay first time dispatch long time listener. Uh right now I'm a little mad at Sea Lane. The ceiling I'm driving and I damn near pop my hernia when you crack that ceiling Dion stiff arm joke, that was absolutely ridiculous, bro. Love you guys are listening to the show. Hey Sean, next week for uh Fritz on the street pick me. I got faith in you brother. All right. Peace.

I posed as Hasselhoff like a year or two ago

Olympic hot take on location
So this might come off as a bit of a hot take but the Olympics and the locations. They choose are kind of stupid. They just need to figure out 6 locations 1 on each continent if they can do a both winter and summer Olympics. And just keep those same locations and go forward each time. It comes around. So then that way they're not wasting money or going to all these cities messing it up for like 2 or 3 months at a time and then leaving it in shambles if they just keep the grounds the same and they just rotate them every few years. It's this location this location so on so forth. That's how the Olympics gets better and less of a bad rap with that.

Asparagus psychic
So the asparagus psychic. Does this mean all of her predictions smell kind of funny? I'm just saying and oh, by the way, I bought my terrible song. They they all can't be freaking gems, you know. Besides that was a 3 Ty song.

Asparagus psychic
So the asparagus psychic. Does this mean all of her predictions smell kind of funny? I'm just saying and oh, by the way, I bought my terrible song. They they all can't be freaking gems, you know. Besides that was a 3 Ty song.

Asparagus psychic
So the asparagus psychic. Does this mean all of her predictions smell kind of funny? I'm just saying and oh, by the way, I bought my terrible song. They they all can't be freaking gems, you know. Besides that was a 3 Ty song.

Apple is a scam that only benefits the rich
Yeah, so that's why fortnite decided not to work with apple is because Apple wanted 30% or more of their profits from v-bucks and fortnite is its own economy because how much money they make off of v-bucks. So that's what the whole lawsuit was about is that they weren't standing for that and they found a loophole that you can buy the v-bucks through the game and not have to buy it through the Apple Play Store. So that's why Apple kicked them off.

Racist public in mi
Good afternoon, the new of junky Sean and my lovely Sabrina. Sean I just want to let you know that uh my Public's where I live in me Is very racist the only higher white people. And then there is like 2 of the colored dudes. But they are friends of friends of uh family that were there. but the the never hire anybody that is um black or whatever the colors. That's for sure. I've seen it for the last my first daughter when they didn't get hired my second daughter when they didn't get hired. My son went there didn't get hired. His friends went there and they get hired because all of them are colored. Well, you know, but they they play that game.

C lame moving hack from A prior military member who moved 1 million times.
Hey news junkies. Happy Friday Eve. Just wanted to let you know. uh as a prior military member I've moved more times than I wanted to and of course now my daughter's in college. So we're moving her back and forth see Lane 1 of the best things you can do for your clothes everything that's hung up in the closet takes some trash bags cut a hole in the top. Put it over the hanger of the the actual hanger itself. That way the clothes are protected. And all you have to do is hang them suckers back up in the new house cut the trash back off and you're done. No folding know unpacking nothing saves a lot of time a lot of frustration and just something easy peasy. Have a good day guys.

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