Hey News, Junkie crew as always loving the show. Hey, Sabrina. I dispatched? Last week, I forgot you were gone. Hope you enjoyed your trip. Um, I every day at 5:30 in the morning, um, I know you were talking about it. My body thinks it's 6:30 in the morning and I wake up wide awake and I'm so blank and frustrated. Uh, so every day I think of you or those like us who are are stuck with the same ailment, so I just want to reach out and say, hey, someone smarter than us decide just pick a damn, 1 way or the other permanent savings or not. Um, either way, we don't care uh, and speak to please pick me for first on the street. Uh, I would love it. Have a great day guys. Uh, ah, ah, See you.