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Karmila Harris
Every time I hear the name Carla Harris, I just think of Karma Chameleon. So here is

I've got 351,000 unread emails...

Can't stand politics already. and it's only July

Asparagus’s prediction?
So some Looney lady talks to asparagus and makes predictions and she makes the news and nobody bats an eye. I go to Publix. draw a face on a head of lettuce and start vetting about my childhood traumas and my need Fixation, and I'm the freaking weirdo make that make sense.

So, um, you keep talking about that abort thing and I'm pretty sure the news reporter said she texted her husband on board not abort that's been driving me insane for the last 2 hours. on board not abort

Mayo good
I gotta say when it comes to mayonnaise. I'm on the same page as Sabrina like mayonnaise man. And uh, it's in so much stuff matter of fact remember when craft they were trying to do the dyes, which was Dijon mustard and mayonnaise and then Mayo chup, which is mayo and ketchup which All of us who are aficionados of this have been doing that for years. I think that product both of those products failed miserably but uh, mayonnaise is a lot of other stuff salad dressing all kind of stuff. So, I like me some mayo.

I know el mayo
Hey guys. I hope you guys are doing well. I know who El Mayo is he lives over in St. Pete and has a lot of dumb things. Anyways, thanks. Bye.

Paris in the summertime AC
Mr. News, Junkie I was in Paris about 3 summers ago, and I sweated my you know, it was pretty hot. So yeah climate change. Paris they need AC in the summertime.

Pee pee in the pool while swimming at high levels.
Happy Friday, again junkies. Um, just wanted to tag in on the peeing while swimming you can you can pee while you're swimming swimmers do it suits are very tight when we get them on so, sometimes they don't come off. Uh as easily and there's an international sign for peeing in the pool, so you can let other swimmers know that when you're in the corner of the pool or in a corner of a lane that you're actually peeing so everyone can just swim by you. Just thought I'd let you know wiggle wiggle pop pop.

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