For the Stepmother's story. It's gonna be hard for the Lord to defend the lady. When there's lots of on the outside of the door. Number 2. Where is the father in the story? Why is he not saying nothing? And there were 3 words, the real mother in the story. Why for 20 years? Where is she?
Hey, Junkies. My kids love Stitch. They got the dresses, the pocket books. The The headbands stuffed animals, they were ahead of the trend before all the rest of these kids. And that's how I knew he was coming back. And now here we have a live action that's going to kill in theaters.
Yeah. So once I brush my teeth and I picked up what I thought was mouthwash because it said he quit on it and it was a blue liquid and I switched with it and ended up being my girlfriend's makeup remover. Delicious.
The news junkies with Trump going after Canada, I don't think he understands he's grabbing the wrong Beaver because that 1 bites back. And it will. so, I think he needs to like, settle down, I don't know. Thanks.
A junkies, uh, important question about the event in October. Since it seems to be a tradition but we'll uh saubees Little Helpers be playing that show as well. All right. Thank you. Twinkle edits out.
Sean pulling his jerky out in front of other people
Hey News. Junkie Big Daddy Dave here. Hey, Sean. Most people get arrested for pulling their jerky out in front of other people. I wouldn't suggest that. Smoke weed every day. Big Daddy, Dave out.